15 World’s Most Beautiful Plus Sized Models


The world of fashion has seen a growing recognition of beauty in all sizes, and plus-size models have played a pivotal role in this transformation. In this showcase, we celebrate 15 remarkable plus-size models who have redefined beauty standards and made a significant impact on the fashion industry. These individuals radiate confidence, grace, and style, proving that beauty knows no size limits.

Models have traditionally been tall and thin, but in recent years plus sized models have been making their mark in this competitive industry. These women are gorgeous, and they are ready to take over the world. The following is our list of the 15 most beautiful plus sized models in the world.


1.Katya Zharkova

Katya Zharkova was born in Russia in the city of Belarus.  She is 5 foot, 10 inches tall and size 14.  She was the first plus sized model to pose in Cosmopolitan Russia.

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