Craziest State Laws You Probably Didn’t Know Existed   


12. Georgia: Giraffe Tethering

Craziest State Laws You Probably Didn't Know Existed

This law is specific to Atlanta, Georgia, and I just…I have questions. Was it common for people to have pet giraffes in Atlanta? Did they tie them to telephone poles while they went into stores? Was there SO many giraffes that the lawmakers said “Right, we’ve gotta put something in place to stop all these giraffes littering the sidewalk”? The origins of this law, enacted in 1939, remain unclear. However, it likely aimed to prevent potential hazards or disruptions caused by tethered giraffes. While it’s undoubtedly an unusual law, it serves as a testament to the creativity of lawmakers in addressing unique situations. So, if you happen to own a pet giraffe in Atlanta, make sure to keep it untethered!

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